Today I had a very interesting discussion about
Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP) - what it really means and how to avoid breaking it, of course using an overused example of squares and rectangles.
Liskov's principle tells us to design our inheritance trees or interface implementations in such a way that whenever the code uses the base class (or interface), any of the derived classes (implementations) can be used without breaking existing behavior or invariants. In wider understanding, it also means that whenever we use an abstraction like base class or interface, we
should not expect any particular implementation provided in the runtime nor should we know anything about that implementations. This also forbids any constructs like conditions based on implementation's concrete type - if we need it, we're working with
leaky abstraction that need to be rethought and not hacked around.
void MethodThatGetsAbstraction(IAbstraction abstraction)
if (abstraction is SomethingReal)
Let me remind the classical example of shapes I've mentioned before. As we know, squares are rectangles, and we often represent
"is a" relationships like this in code using an inheritance -
Square derives from
Rectangle (I don't want to discuss here whether it makes sense or not, but the fact is this IS the most often quoted example when talking about LSP). A rectangle, mathematically speaking, is defined by its side sizes. We can represent these as properties in our
Rectangle class. We also have a method to calculate an area of our rectangle:
public class Rectangle
public int Height { get; set; }
public int Width { get; set; }
public int CalculateArea()
return Height * Width;
Now enter the
Square. It is a special case of rectangle that has both sides of equal lengths. We implement it by setting the
Height to equal
Width whenever we set
Width and opposite. Now consider the following test:
class When_calculating_rectangle_area
public void It_should_calculate_area_properly()
// arrange
var sut = new Rectangle();
sut.Width = 2;
sut.Height = 10;
// act
var result = sut.CalculateArea();
// assert
Assert.Equal(result, 20);
It works perfectly fine until, according to the ability given us by the Liskov's principle, we change
Rectangle into its derived class,
Square (and leave the rest unchanged, again according to the LSP). Note that in real-life scenarios we rarely create the
Rectangle a line above,
we got it created somewhere and we probably don't even know its specific runtime type.
class When_calculating_square_area
public void It_should_calculate_area_properly()
// arrange
var sut = new Square();
sut.Width = 2; // also sets Height behind the scenes
sut.Height = 10; // also sets Width behind the scenes, overriding the previous value
// act
var result = sut.CalculateArea();
// assert
Assert.Equal(result, 20); // naah, we have 100 here
Square inheriting from
Rectangle breaks the LSP badly by
strenghtening the base class' preconditions in a subtype - base class doesn't need an equal sides, it's the implementation-specific whim we don't even know about if we're only providing the base class to be derived in the wild.
But what is the root cause of that failure? It's the fact that
Square is not able to enforce its invariants (both sides equal) properly. It couldn't yell by throwing an exception whenever one tries to set the height differently than width, because one may set width earlier than height - and we definitely don't want to enforce particular property setting order, right?. Setting width and height atomically would solve that problem - consider the following code:
public class Rectangle
private int _height;
private int _width;
public virtual int SetDimensions(int height, int weight)
_height = height;
_width = width;
public int CalculateArea()
return _height * _width;
public class Square : Rectangle
public override int SetDimensions(int height, int weight)
if (height != width)
throw new InvalidOperationException("That's a weird square, sir!");
_height = _width = height;
But now we've replaced one LSP abuse with another. How the poor users of
Rectangle can be prepared for
SetDimensions throwing an exception? Again, it's an implementation-specific weirdness, we don't want our abstraction to know about it, as it will become a pretty leaky one.
But is width and height really a state? I'd rather say they are shape's
identity - if they change, we are talking about another shape than before. So
why expose setting possibility at all? This leads us to the simple but extremely powerful concept of
immutability - a concept in which the object's data once set cannot be changed and are read-only. The only way to populate an immutable object with data is to do it when creating the object - in its constructor. Note that
constructors are not inherited and when
new-ing a
Rectangle we are 100% sure it's not
Square or any other unknown beast, and conversely, when constructing
Square we can enforce our invariants without an influence on base class behaviours - as all properly constructed
Squares will be valid
public class Rectangle
private int _height;
private int _width;
public Rectangle(int height, int weight)
_height = height;
_width = width;
public int CalculateArea()
return _height * _width;
public class Square : Rectangle
public Square(int size)
: base(size, size)
LSP satisfied, code clean, nasty bugs and leaky abstractions removed - immutability is king!